Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Primul articol / First post

Deci, mi-am facut si eu blog, sunt in culmea fericirii dar stau si ma gandesc ca am foarte multe idei de postat aici dar cand ajung in fata faptului implinit nu ramane decat o simpla pagina goala la care ma uit si imi tot sucesc mintea si ma intreb "Ce dracului sa pun aici sa umplu spatiul asta gol? ". Dar gandindu-ma mai departe nu incep sa disper si las totul sa vina de la sine, ca in orice altceva, nu are rost sa te stresezi degeaba ca nu vei reusi asa, e ca si cum ai cauta dragostea, nu o vei gasii ci te va gasi ea pe tine asa si cu textele mele din cap pe care le-as putea posta vreodata aici, le las sa vina ele la mine si apoi vor fi asternute in acest univers numit Internet.
Pai cam asta pentru inceput, ne vedem la urmatorea postare, sper sa va placa si apropo daca vreti sa fiti la curent cu ce scriu aici v-a puteti abona la postarile mele mai jos acolo unde scrie Atom.
Ok, am plecat, aveti grija, pe data viitoare! :)


So, i have my blog starting today and i am sooo happy but i sit and i think that i have so many ideeas that i can post here but when i end up doing it all it remains its a blank page which i`m staring at and ask myself "What the hell should i writte here?".Thinking now in the perspective i wont despair trying to get some ideeas i better let them to find me, its just like love, you wont find it if you search for it, love will find you so the same as my posts which i`ll ever post here i let them come to me and after i will type them and let them go in this huge world called Internet.
Well that was all for today, see you at my next post,hope you will like it and by the way, if you want to be posted with what i writte dont forget to subscribe to my posts down there wher it says Atom.
Ok, here i go, take care, see you next time! :)